
Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20,2015 Weekend Preview and Thoughts on Honor

With all the hubbub over St. Patrick's finished and I am going into a weekend where absolutely NOTHING is planned out.  I am not even sure about what is happening tonight when I go home.  So as far as a weekend preview is concerned this post is woefully lacking.  Rest assured it will include a few drinks, going out to eat and sleeping.

Now that the preview is out of the way,  I am going to throw out some thoughts I have had concerning the Lords of Kalehalla and what I would like to see us evolve into beyond a group of friends.  I would like to see us live an ideal that guides our everyday actions.  One that will help us all overcome our individual fears and insecurities and set an example of honor to the world.  I have recently read and watched some entries concerning honor from one of my favorite blogs The Art of Manliness.  These articles discuss honor in the historical sense and why the concept of honor has been lost in our modern world.  The series is titled Manly Honor and is worth reading. 

I see the Lords as an Honor Group.  We live a certain lifestyle and ideal that is almost a code of conduct, ideas that dictate how we drink and how we associate, how we dress, how we hold ourselves and how we treat each other.  As it is now these ideals are vague and have not really been put forth as a cohesive concept but it is important that they become more defined because we need to set an example that self enforcement of a society is much better than just enforcing rules and regulations.

Currently I propose the following Ideals that the Lords should strive towards.  This is not a code of conduct in a formal society but it will be a framework that we can discuss and use to establish our society.

  1. Honor the Traditions, History and Legacy of The Lords of Kalehalla.  With St. Patrick's just finishing up, I realize we have Traditions that we as a group hold dear.  It was very interesting because one of the newer members did not understand that what we were doing was tradition and we all enforced it without explaining the why but each of us who have participated in the past felt strongly that it was something that needed to be done.  We need to better understand these traditions and explain them so the how and why helps establish the tradition and create the legacy.  Current traditions include;
    • The St. Patrick's Shot of VERY OLD WHISKEY to toast the new year, restate the bonds that hold us together and welcome the new Lords to the Pantheon (if any)
    • The Monthly Feast to celebrate and strengthen our bond and to honor the Lords who were born in the month
    • Open Hospitality anyone wanting to feast with us is welcome and offered hospitality to partake of our meal and libations within reason.
    • Propose and establish new traditions that bring us together as a cohesive family.
  2. Take care of and look out for the Intellectual, Physical, Financial and Emotional health of each other. This is not currently done as much as it should be and this would be something that I would like to see happen a whole lot more.
    • With regards to intellectual health each member needs to make sure they are pursuing a course of action that makes them mentally and intellectually strong.  Each member needs be moving forward in life through pursuits that add to the collective knowledge of the group.  The members also need to encourage each other in those endeavors.  Intellectual health will help us become healthy in the other areas as well.
    • Physical health needs to become more of a priority because I for one am needing to focus more and more on taking care of myself so I am here longer.  I want all members to work towards becoming physically stable the world is going to become a harder place to live in and we will need to prove ourselves in the long run.
    • Financial health is an even more intense subject because a great number of us have too much personal pride and are ashamed that our finances are not where they need to be.  We need to lose that pride and ask for help from each other. Most of us do not have families that we can rely on and trust with our financial dealing plus we have vices that drain our finances, but I am of a mind that The Lords becomes our family and we utilize the skills of each to get our individual houses in order.  Procrastination in this will only cause us to have future problems and be at the mercy of society.  In addition I would like the Lords of Kalehalla itself to be a financially sound institution so that we can have greater feasts and travel and go see shows and invest to become a true force.
    • Lastly and most importantly for our continued success and growth is Emotional Health.  We all suffer from mental and emotional issues caused by our lives.  We need to encourage each other to be mentally healthy.  For to long we have seen friends deteriorate from mental issues and addictions,  we force ourselves to feel inappropriate guilt and punish ourselves and each other because of it.  It is important that we treat this area as seriously or even more so than any of the previous because emotional well being is the true measure of success.

  3. Involvement in Society is the third key ideal that I will bring forth.  As a group the Lords of Kalehalla must benefit the society we live in to set an example to the rest of the world.  If we are to be a truly honorable organization we need core involvement in the world around us.  Now I am not getting that we will be a huggy-feely charitable organization but we will support that which we feel is important to support. Here are a few ideas;
    • Signs of Love which was started by a core member of The Lords and many Lords have participated in.
    • Support the Local Salt Lake music scene through going to concerts and supporting local bands and venues.
    • Adopting a campground to clean which we then use for some summer activities.
    • Become involved more with local politics by identifying candidates that support what we support and working on a local level to mandate the changes we want to see.  Keep the Focus Locally because that is where one makes a difference.
Now these are just ideas as of now.  The Lords shall discuss this at length and over then next while we will implement and evolve.  It is time that people stop being on the sidelines and become involved.

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