
Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015 Weekend Preview: The Beginning of a Busy 5 Days

This is the time of year where what I live daily catches up to the rest of the world.  St. Patrick's Day is upon us and I am feeling a bit hectic this year.  Having my daughter with me full time and having the bright idea to get her involved with Irish dance might just be the death of me.

Let's get this started then.  Today there is nothing much to be done, I just have to get the Wee Dancer to her rehearsal so that she is ready for tomorrow's Salt Lake City St. Patrick's Day Parade put on by the Hibernian Society of Utah. I once played in the parade with an impromptu marching band for many years and the parade has been a family tradition since 1990.  This is the first time one of my kids gets to march in it so I am way excited.

Saturday is the Parade and Bar Crawl (although this year it might just be a bar sit because I think we are doing brunch at Piper.)  We will arrive early and get our standard spot near the end of the parade, the The Raven Queen will pick up the Wee Dancer and we shall begin the debauchery. This year I am very excited to go to Piper Down because I have not been able to go over the last few years. They are having a huge St. Patrick's Event planned and Saturday is a great party night this year.

Sunday will be the Traditional corned beef dinner at Kalehalla and it will include the watching of The Boondock Saints along with much drinking.  Nothing simpler than that.

Lastly on Monday and Tuesday The Wee Dancer's school Acadamh Rince is putting on "An Irish Evening" at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center.  Tickets are $15.00 and can be purchased at Artix Click the name of the event for details.

Event of the Week

An Irish Evening

Eatery of the Week

Kalehalla (corned beef dinner)

Booze of the Week

Irish Whiskey, Stout, Irish Cream and Beer

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