So after about 5 days of feeling like I have been hit by a truck, I am finally feel better and want to write something. Last weekend I had a wonderful brunch with The Lords to celebrate Gialdron's birthday. Everyone with the exception of Les Morgan attended and it was a good time. To note it did start a bout of Gialdron's rage which has vexed most my week, but that is how it usually goes with people on the autistic spectrum.
The other thing we did was start building a fence in the backyard for the dogs. Kalenar was his usual one minded self which is very handy when you are getting things done. Lord Darksteel came over and helped (a huge amount and I thank him profusely.) It was especially awesome because Lord Darksteel broke his diet and had the most amazing queso smothered burrito at Barbacoa for lunch that he ate himself delirious.
This weekend is very low key because I am judging the Utah PTA State Rock Band Festival for the 2nd time. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to be involved in a way that puts my passion for working class music forward. Rock music is the peoples music and accessible but that does not make it any less important than the classics. People postulate all of the time about what amazing pieces Mozart would compose now and I laugh because in my mind He would be not Mozart but Wolfgang and be a Pop entrepreneur on the level of Bruno Mars or Pharrell. Beethoven would be an alternative/hipster and Wagner would write German Metalcore that appeals to fringe supremest groups. Now I do not truly know what would happen but before you dismiss it entirely realize Pharrell Williams participated in high school band and owes that to where he is now, read the story here.
There have been many other things on my mind this week. I am in a holding pattern of sorts until some life events happen that will increase my mobility. Right now a number of things I want to do are not able to be given full attention for the very fact that I rely on public transit. Personally I am not a fan of driving and if I had my druthers I would actually live in Downtown Salt Lake City where a car free lifestyle is easier to achieve. Downtown is not as child friendly and Kalenar gives me a grand opportunity to live in Kalehalla so I take advantage of it. Because of this the lifestyle is harder. The fascist right-wing community governments in the South end of Salt Lake County are not public transit friendly therefore the frequency of buses is not what it should be. As a result my pursuit of happiness is limited to the graces of what public transit does exist and the kindness of friends.
Lastly I am leaving you with a video of the new Hellcat Single by the band Wichita "Mrs. Magoo"
because it is AWESOME!!!
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